We’re everywhere

Silent Kit
2 min readMar 11, 2021

I’m downstairs.
She’s upstairs, where I left my phone.

Through the floorboards, I hear her say,

I go up.
The TV is on. The wheel is spinning.

The middle contestant has long,
curly brown hair. It resemblers hers.

Her uncle called her mom.
Told her to put on the Wheel.

‘She looks like you when you were younger,’
he tells his sister.

My wife’s mom called, told her to put on the Wheel.
She said, ‘She looks more like you.’

There are similarities for sure, but
the contestant’s mannerisms are off.

We watch a few rounds — we root for her.
The look alike makes the final!
She picks good letters!
And has a fighting chance!

In the end, she does not get the phrase:

We don’t get it in time, either.
‘Why,’ I ask?
‘Because that’s not a phrase,’ my wife says.

I check my phone.
She had texted,
‘Im on tv’

‘Graham?’ I shake no,
The woman stares.
‘Is that you?’ I shake my head no.
‘No,’ I mouth under my mask.
More staring.
‘Graham.’ She’s convinced I am Graham.
I shake my head until my neck gets sore.
‘No. That’s not me. I am not he.’
She stares, gets closer.
‘Oh. You look just like my friend Graham I haven’t seen in a while.’

