The telescope’s observations

Silent Kit
1 min readOct 11, 2022
The first images from the James Webb Space Telescope amazed us, but what about the photos in our cloud?

You see pictures taken through the lens of the James Webb Space telescope.

With its high tech instrument suite, from the stomach of the cosmos, we witness a universe born out of darkness 13.8 billion years ago.

Demonstrating sensitivity and stability, image quality and spectral range, the telescope photos are literally everything.

Having seen the deepest images ever taken, you think of your own photos. You know, the ones in the cloud.

You receive a message from the phone, our cosmos, the memory is completely full.

History will no longer recorded. So that selfie you took of yourself next to a glacier is in danger.

While more images of you go extinct, you ironically sit comfortably.

The future is fading fast. Your physical photo dates back to when you born into the universe, 43 years ago on Saturday.

Sometime after noon you first saw light, but now your eyes scroll until they roll into their lids.

Meanwhile. Every photo taken, shot or not, every contact saved or imagined, all of that which is not stored will be gone.

Rest in pixel.

